Welcome to Dogwood Elementary

Dogwood Vision Statement
Declaración de visión de Dogwood

"Empowering every student, every day to make their dreams come true!"
"¡Empoderar a cada estudiante, todos los días, para que haga realidad sus sueños!"

Dogwood Mission Statement
Declaración de la misión de Dogwood

The mission of Dogwood Elementary School is to provide an authentic and personalized education that will equip students to meet the challenges of the future through rigorous, relevant, and responsive instruction. Dogwood Elementary is where our students become academically driven and culturally conscious lifelong learners through the use of 21st century technology and tools. To carry out our mission, we will create and maintain an educational community that is collaborative, supportive, and sets high expectations for ALL students. Partnering with all community members, we will work toward a shared goal of empowering every student every day!  

La misión de la Escuela Primaria Dogwood es brindar una educación auténtica y personalizada que preparará a los estudiantes para enfrentar los desafíos del futuro a través de una instrucción rigurosa, relevante y receptiva. Dogwood Elementary es donde nuestros estudiantes se convierten en aprendices de por vida impulsados académicamente y culturalmente conscientes mediante el uso de tecnología y herramientas del siglo XXI. Para llevar a cabo nuestra misión, crearemos y mantendremos una comunidad educativa que sea colaborativa, solidaria y establezca altas expectativas para TODOS los estudiantes. ¡En asociación con todos los miembros de la comunidad, trabajaremos hacia un objetivo compartido de empoderar a cada estudiante todos los días!

Dogwood Logo 25th Anniversary

Upcoming Dogwood Events

Virtual Instruction on Snow Days

-Virtual days will only occur after 3 regular snow days
-We will operate on a 2 hour delay- learning will begin at 10:40 
- Students will participate in 4 hours of virtual learning on google meet

Click here to download 
important information about virtual instruction on snow days

Math Night

Click the picture to download a copy to print and send to your students teacher

3-5 Math Night Flier

Click Here to Begin your Volunteer Training

Haga clic aquí para comenzar su capacitación como voluntario

Volunteer English

Volunteer Spanish


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
January 26, no eventsJanuary 27, no eventsJanuary 28, no events29January 30, no eventsJanuary 31, no eventsFebruary 01, no events
February 02, no eventsFebruary 03, no eventsFebruary 04, no eventsFebruary 05, no events6February 07, no eventsFebruary 08, no events
February 09, no eventsFebruary 10, no eventsFebruary 11, no eventsFebruary 12, no eventsToday, February 13, no eventsFebruary 14, no eventsFebruary 15, no events
February 16, no events17February 18, no eventsFebruary 19, no eventsFebruary 20, no eventsFebruary 21, no eventsFebruary 22, no events
February 23, no eventsFebruary 24, no eventsFebruary 25, no eventsFebruary 26, no eventsFebruary 27, no eventsFebruary 28, no eventsMarch 01, no events